Author: virginiaseastark
The Irregulars
Thoughts in an MRI
Thoughts in an MRI By Virginia Carraway Stark “I read what you wrote,” She said. Her flame of red hair was ringed in platinum, making her look like an angel as she pulled broccoli out of a shopping bag to make a salad. I scanned my mind, such a loaded statement, I couldn’t think about…
On Bravery
I am someone who is extraordinarily brave. I have learned this mostly from having it repeated to me by so many people, most of whom have only heard a fraction of what I’ve experienced. I don’t feel like I’m a brave person. I feel like I’m just a person.
To Everyone Who Knew Me as a Child
Dear Everyone, I have to wonder why nobody ever asked me if I was okay. I wonder about a lot of things from that time but it especially bothers me with my aunts and uncles and cousins. Why did you think it was normal that I always had broken bones? Why did you think it…
How My Dad Broke my Silence.
When I was run over this summer and spent the night in the hospital my husband was a long ways away and couldn’t be there with me. I called my Dad who got my message and got into his car and headed in the opposite direction because it was too upsetting for him that I…
For the First Time
By Virginia Carraway Stark Over the past couple of days I’ve had my life unravel. After I ran away from home when I was a teenager it was many years before I came back into contact with any of my family. The first thing that happened when I saw my Dad and Stepmother were tearful…
We Learn from History, Not Silence!
We Learn from History, Not Silence! By Virginia Carraway Stark. How Silence Dooms the Generations. Tragedies can bring people together or tear them apart and it’s all down to the willingness of those who have been affected to share and talk and learn and love each other. I am overwhelmed by the outpouring of support…
Wolfspiders and Vodka
One night things became very dark. None of the lights seemed to be working and Judy was sitting in my bed. She had collected quite a few very large wolf spiders and was letting them crawl on her arms. They were the size of my hand. I was horrified. This was NOT a hallucination and my fear of spiders came flooding back all at once.
The Truth
The Truth By Virginia Carraway Stark After the last blog I published I had a roaring response from my family who were angered that I dared to talk about the abuse I had suffered. The responses fall into the chart of classic abuse to perfection. The minimized, denied and blamed me for the abuse….