M. Virginia Carraway
Virginia has been a writer most of her life and has been a prolific writer of science fiction, fantasy and speculative work as well as historical non-fiction and scientific journal contributions.
Since 2009, Virginia has been an active contributor to GAFMainframe.com, where she has proved an invaluable asset to developing the scope of the vast GAF universe. In addition to this, she also has published work on the Worlds of Dorian, The Voices of the Gods, The Ancient and Illustrious Betokened Secret Order of Goosetalkers and a range of speculative fiction.
She has several movies and shorts to her writing credit, including “BlindEye”, “The Mystical Adventures of Billy Owens” “Truth and Wine”. More recently, Virginia has penned screenplays for the notorious webseries “Philosopher Blues”. She is currently completing screenplays for two “Carnival Fun” shorts as well as the first Carnival Fun full length film to be released in 2015- in which she also plays the role of Virna Grant. (See Carnival Fun’s facebook page for more information.)
She is the President of Carraway Productions, a multimedia production company that works with state of the art technology to bring speculative fiction stories to life onscreen.
Virginia enjoys animals and nature. She spends most of her time when she isn’t writing with her pets, watching birds or in the garden. She is interested in the metaphysical and the paranormal with many of her works touching on these areas. She makes essential oils, soaps and lotions for her company ‘Electric Butter’, as well as contributes fashion designs for its clothing label which manufactures fantasy/cos-play garments as well as replicas of costumes from the GAF universe and the Worlds of Dorian.
She also blogs extensively and has written many scientific articles for medical sites and research journals in the fields of biochemistry, alternative health and diagnostics. Her regular blogs can be found at gafmainframe.com, myrwandafulblog.wordpress.com. Coming soon… a new blog specifically for Carnival Fun which will compile character biographies, informative backstory and film and photos of all the characters from the film noir series.
Virginia has two novels currently in print- Tales From Space Volume 1 and Dalton’s Daughter.
Currently Virginia is branching into the field of True Crime, with the upcoming true story of a northern British Columbia murder and arson that was covered up as a suicide.