Well, brave StarkLight Press soldiers, you only have until midnight PST on September 30 to send us your short story submissions and win a spot in our third anthology!
It’s a hard mission, and I won’t lie to you- there may be some underpants on your heads before you’re through. However, those of you brave Tommies and Tammies who make it through the no-man’s land of writers’ block, crippling self-doubt and Facebook distractions will know that you have struck a huge blow against the forces of second-rate mass media and have done credit to science fiction fans everywhere!
Here’s a link to our submission guidelines http://starklightpress.com/official-short-story-contest-rules/
So shine up your boots, spit n polish your brass and get ready to join the ranks of our illustrious StarkLight Press Writers’ Circle with your winning submission!
Your country (of creative, intelligent, high-energy authors everywhere) salutes you!
-Tony Stark.