Hmmmmm…. it appears that every single trace of our third short story contest postings has evaporated. So here it is again, for everyone’s perusal.
Thanks to Alexandra-Marie Kiyawsew for bringing this error to our attention
StarkLight Press Third Short Story Contest Rules
Submission Length: 10 000 words maximum, flash fiction accepted.
Submission Content:
Any subject matter of a speculative, science fiction or fantasy nature involving either original characters or characters published under the StarkLight Press imprint (ie: GAFF, Dorian, I’snian Characters or worldsets). Sadly, though we would love to hear your top notch fan fiction, we can’t accept any wider re-characterizations. Thinly veiled alterations of a truly original nature will be run past our legal department however, and will be considered for publication through our not-for-profit webpages.
Graphic novels, illustrated short stories consisting of grayscale (sorry, no color images) will also be accepted. Again, see content guidelines as above. We aren’t MAD magazine, so we can’t risk the litigation of a good caricature, even though we do enjoy them
Submission Format: ODT, RTF, PDF formats. Images in JPEG only please, either embedded in file or tagged separately, 300 ppi for black and white, 600 ppi for color.
Other requirements: For our first time submittors, please include a five hundred word maximum bio that describes a bit about you and your writing career.
Also include a five hundred word maximum overview of the worldscape from which your story springs.
Include email address, webpages, facebook sites etc. Also phone number if so desired.
All submissions meeting the requirements will be considered, and all submitters will be contacted by August 28, 2014.
StarkLight Volume 3 will be published in November 2014.
Each winning contributor will receive:
a copy of Starklight Vol. 3
a Prize Packet of promotional materials including posters for the compendium, GAF poster grab bag and a StarkLight t-shirt, hat, magic writer’s pen and mug plus other goodies.
-thorough, nay exhaustive publicity for the winner and their websites through StarkLight Media, including Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, web coverage
-an interview to be posted on the StarkLight Industries and Carraway Productions YouTube channel
-an invitation for two to the StarkLight Volume 3 Book Launch party, at a swank location to be determined in 2014
will be signed on as part of our authors’ family (a non-exclusive arrangement, but one that guarantees your royalties to your story in perpetuity)
All short stories considered for publication in StarkLight Volume 3 must be first run, not published in any other print media or copywritten e-means. StarkLight Press reserves the right to republish the works as per our standard contract and maintains first right of refusal for second connected media publishing of related stories or media- we want to keep publishing you, and aim to meet your publication needs! Subsequent publishing of accepted stories by other imprints is subject to StarkLight Press approval.
Contact or call 250-467-2995 between 4 p.m. And 12 a.m. seven days a week for details.