Author: virginiaseastark
Jellicmen, or Jellymen
Our First Christmas Party- Huge Success!
I had so much fun! I hope to seen everyone again next year for the second annual Starklight Press Christmas party!
Death of the Boogeyman
By Virginia Carraway Stark I have memory. I have memory. I have memory. I say these words to myself when people try to deny what happened to me, when people try to deny the truth. My parents abused me. That’s the truth. My Dad abused me, my stepmother abused me, my older brother abused me,…
The First Memory
My first memory was of a feather. I was walking through the yard between the house and the barn and the gumbo was sucking my moonboots into it. I was working at loosening one of my boots when I saw the feather blowing, moving up and down in the invisible chill breeze of summer. I…