Introducing a very special, close-deadline short story contest!
StarkLight is putting forth a Christmas anthology of short stories… and our theme is:
Steampunk Holiday Stories!
As usual, we are looking for stories with a wry, speculative, thought-provoking twist- and this time, with an added shot of Christmas, Solstice and any other winter holiday you think goes well with gears and petticoats.
Minimum word count is 250
Maximum word count is 10 000
Poems and other print media are welcomed.
Deadline is November 20, 2015
Please put your story in .doc, .odt, .pdf format and submit along with contact information to:
Share with your steampunk-minded friends today!
– Tony Stark,
Publisher and CEO,
StarkLight Press.
Is there any chance the submission call might be extended two or three days?
Our deadline has been extended to December 1 🙂
That’s great news! Thanks.