As a result of the extremely positive reaction to recent works, I’ve decided to share a little update from one of our authors (namely, me) for our wider audience.
Many of our authors are eschewing the fooferaw of Facebook and other twitterpated social media platforms. Some have moved to private messenger services, or their own blogs, or just good old fashioned mail, snail and e-variety. As a result, StarkLight Press will be sharing updates and contacts for our authors and staff here, over the next few weeks.
First is a blog from my new personal site, wherein authors, friends and well-wishers can contact with and correspond with me and other interested parties. Look for more entries throughout the next few weeks, from authors and staff like Virginia Carraway Stark, Alfie Elkins, Will Norton, Leanne Caine and more!
You can contact this author (me) at this blog, and at